Sunday, June 23, 2013

Letter to the Young Women

    We asked the missionaries in our ward to write a letter to the YW in our ward to be read at Girls Camp. This is Scott's letter addressed to our young women:

    One thing I have noticed while on my mission, is the value of virtuous youth. Here it is very difficult for the youth to remain faithful, because of the worldly influences that surround them, the same as in Ogden. I´m sure that you all have friends, members of the church or not, that choose to do things contrary to the will of God. And I know first hand how hard it can be to choose the right. It really is a struggle. I was just in high school a year ago. Let's just be honest, it's hard.
    I have just one word of advice. This is what we tell the youth here, and I feel the same applies with you. Pray and wait. Pray in your heart, pray in your mind, and if necessary, find a secluded place, and get on your knees and pray. Then wait until help arrives. God promises us that that help will arrive. Just ask, as it says in the hymn, Abide with me, Savior stay this night with me. He will be there for you. He was there for you when he gave his life on the cross, when he endured in Gethsemane, he was there for you 2000 years ago. How amazing is it that we have a loving savior who knows exactly what you're going through. That after 40 days of fasting, was tempted by Satan himself, and pushed through it. He knows exactly what you're being tempted by, and knows exactly how to help you endure.
     We have an investigator named Wilber, who used to be a drug addict. He is 18 years old, and has made a lot of mistakes in his life. But in a lesson with him, we asked him how he's doing with the Word of Wisdom, and he told us that he's got temptations, and at times he really wants to do drugs again. But he always will just pray, and wait until help from the Lord arrives.
    High school is hard.  There are a lot of tough, frustrating things that can happen in those 6 years from junior high to graduation. But one thing that I have learned here on the mission, that I wish I knew better before, is that Christ knows. An apostle said, "sometimes you just want to say 'Christ, hope you know I'm having a hard time.'" When you're experiencing difficulties, when you're being made fun of, when you're trying to stand up for your beliefs and people mock you, CHRIST IS HERE. Christ is always here for you. Through a small humble prayer to your Father in Heaven, "All will be made well" When you wonder why it's so hard to stay strong, remember Christ asked that exact same question a long time ago. If he can wonder that, then you can too. But the example that Christ set, is he endured. He made it to the end. And through him, you can too. In all the difficult times down here in Mexico, I just think, Remember Him. Remember His sacrifice. I can do this. I can endure. And in doing so we are made strong. As people we are like diamonds, a diamond starts out as carbon, an ugly soft black dirt. And after years of pressure and heat, it becomes the most beautiful and strongest substance known to man. If we endure our trials well, we will be like diamonds. We will have a testimony, and conversion that nobody can break.
   This church is true, so is this gospel, and most importantly, so is the atonement. Through the atonement, we can do all things.
   Elder Lund

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